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God Knows


Psalm 139:1  O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. 

Psalm 139:2 - Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. 

Our Heavenly Father knows where you are in life. He knows all about you, even the thoughts and intents of your heart. 

In your life when you feel hopeless or useless, just remember you are limited to what you can know and see. God sees yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He knows everything. He has great plans for you to live, love, and show forth forgiveness that others can see Christ in you. 

God sees what you can be, He knows what you can do as you grow in knowledge and understanding of Him and His Word. 

God not only sees where you are, He also sees how to get you where He wants you to be. You are a vessel that God wants to use for His honor and His glory. So, if you are feeling low today, look to Jesus, align yourself with Him and His purposes for your life. 

When you do you can experience joy unspeakable and full of glory!