The Stone Rolled Away
Luke 24: 1 – 12
The followers of Christ went to the tomb early in the morning, as I
have read that so many times I have always just thought of it as the
Angels had moved the stone and Jesus had left that tomb. But
yesterday as I studied I realized that stone wasn’t rolled away for Jesus
to leave that wasn’t necessary, He wasn’t limited when He arose!
The stone was rolled away because Jesus knew His followers would
come looking for Him and would want to see inside the tomb. He
knew that they would need to see that He was gone, that He had did
what He said He would do!
Do you see the significance of this act? Jesus will move the great stone
that blocks the Truth from our lives. God wants us to know the Truth.
That’s why Jesus came and died and rose again, That’s why He sent
the Holy Spirit, so we can have the stones rolled away in our lives.
What is it that you are struggling with in your life? What type of rocks
are blocking your view? How huge do you perceive the stone to be?
Trust Jesus, He can give us victory in our lives if we will allow Him