The Bible, God’s Holy Word.
This I think is one of the most neglected tools that we have as Christians. There are people that the only time they see this tool being used is at a wedding or a funeral.
This tool is for everyday living.
Men have tried to destroy this tool, I have read of a very wealthy man, who lived in a great castle of a house in England who years ago set out to destroy every Bible he could. Now that man is dead and his great castle of a house is a printing company that prints Bibles.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away.”
Psalm 12:7, God said He would preserve His Word.
Psalm 119:89, Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven.
The Bible will:
Cleanse your way, Psalm 119:9
Keep you from sin, Psalm 119:11
Bring you joy, Psalm 119:16, 24
Lead you to wisdom, Psalm 119:104
Guide your steps, Psalm 119:105
Bring you hope, Psalm 119:114
If this was a pill they could not keep the shelves stocked with it; this is a tool and we ought to use it!