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Strength For the Journey

I Kings 19:1-8; Isaiah 40:28-31


Whatever our station in life, we all need “strength for the journey.” 

Elijah had been hiding for three years when God called him to face the Baal worshippers on Mount Carmel. Because he had been waiting on the Lord, Elijah was able to “mount up with wings,” and overcome the enemies.

In fact, I Kings 18:46 informs us that the prophet was able to run and not be weary as he raced ahead of the king’s chariot.

But when it came to that day-to-day walk, Elijah discovered that the journey was too great for him. He became discouraged and weary and finally had to quit. 

Only God can give a person strength for the journey. Not the journey of a lifetime, or even a journey of a week. “As thy days, so shall thy strength be,” God promises us in Deuteronomy 33:25.

The strength for the journey comes when we wait before the Lord at the beginning of the day. It comes from meditation and prayer, worship, and surrender. It comes when a person spends time in the Word of God before the day begins. Yes, we all need strength for the journey, and God will graciously meet that need – if we let Him.