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And Peter


 Mark 16:7

"But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you."

In this statement to these ladies, the young man, by the commandment of Jesus, didn't just tell them to tell the disciples to meet Jesus in Galilee, but he said, "But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter..." There was a reason that he said, "...and Peter." The reason was because Peter had denied Christ and certainly felt that Jesus would no longer want to use him.  Yet, the verse above shows us that Jesus still had great things planned for Peter, even after he fell.

Unfortunately there are many people in the Christian life who feel that they are no longer useful because of some sin they committed.  They, like Peter, feel that their sin would keep Jesus from ever using them again. Yet, you must remember that only Satan would want you to think this way.  Throughout the Scriptures you will find that God used people even after they committed a horrible sin.  Sometimes God simply has to remind us that He still has something in store for us just like He did with Peter.

Maybe because of your sin you feel like Peter.  Maybe you feel that there is no way that God could use you because of your sin.  Let me remind you of two words, "...and Peter." Yes, if God could use Peter again then He can use you again.  You are not the first person who has been touched by the destructive hand of sin.  You must not allow Satan to feed you the lie that you are beyond ever being used by God again.  God can use you again!

Furthermore, if God is going to use you again, then you must go and meet with Him.  If Peter would not have gone to Galilee to meet with Jesus, then we would have never heard about him again.  Instead, throughout the New Testament you see God using Peter in a mighty way.  He was used again because he went to meet Jesus in Galilee.  

God wants to use you again, but you must get up from where sin has left you and go meet with God again.  What I mean by this is that you must take the initiative to get up and get involved again.  Yes, you will have to face those who know what you have done, but if you will get involved again in the LORD's work, then He will use you.

Maybe the greatest two words in the Scriptures for those who have committed sin are the words, "...and Peter." Always remember that God wants to use you again, but you must meet with Him if that is going to happen.  The ball is in your court, what are you going to do with it?