Do You Need A Miracle?
John 2:1-11
The first miracle Jesus worked was at a wedding. When sending out invitations these newlyweds had the good sense to send one to Jesus. Do you need a miracle in your life? Invite Jesus – then listen carefully to what He has to say and do it! Jesus told them to pour water into empty wine containers. It didn’t make sense. But then neither does walking around the walls of Jericho seven times, or rubbing clay on a blind man’s eyes. Yet the walls of Jericho came down and the blind man received his sight. That day at the wedding Jesus said in essence, “Give me what you’ve got and I’ll give you back what you need.” And it still works that way. It’s called the harvest law: “He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
Jesus also knows how to fill your empty nets, get you out of debt, feed thousands with one boy's lunch. The disciples knew a lot about fishing, but Jesus knew more. He knew where the fish were biting. Our Lord knows the right time and the right way. So we ought to do what He tells us.
If we do, we will succeed in life. The disciples caught so many fish that night they had to give some away. There it is “more than enough,” and it is still the way God works. First He will bless you, then He will bless others through you. But, remember, the formula is always: “Whatsoever He saith unto you, Do It!!!!!!!