Understanding our Lives In The Church
I Corinthians 12:25
That there should be no schism (division) in the body, but that the members should have the same care one for another.
What does a Christ centered Church look like?
1. A place where God is praised, honored, and glorified.
God said, “I will not share My Glory with another!”
2. A Place where God’s Word is taught without compromise! You can’t grow beyond what you know!
3. A place of fellowship! This goes far beyond coffee and donuts in the fellowship hall. True fellowship occurs when we are involved in each other's lives—caring, encouraging, correcting, loving and sharing with one another.
4. A place that reaches out to others! A Church that wants to grow cannot be ingrown. There’s nothing wrong with being a small church---as long as you are not a small-minded church. The church should offer each person an opportunity to use their gifts and talents to reach out and help others. In other words, the church’s impact should extend well beyond these walls. Don’t ask what your church can do for you, ask what you can do for your church!