A Time to Forgive
Matthew 6:6-15
Forgiving is one of the most Christ-like things you or I can do. We begin to understand the forgiveness of God by forgiving those who have hurt or wronged you.
Five Symptoms of an unforgiving spirit
An unforgiving spirit always hurts you more than anyone else.
Forgiveness is not:
Some folks live their whole lives without realizing or understanding the forgiveness of God. What we know in our heads needs to take hold of our hearts, emotions and actions.
Hebrews 12:15 - Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.
An unforgiving spirit leads to bitterness and bitterness will destroy you.
Forgiveness is the act of setting someone free of an obligation to you that is a result of a wrong done against you.
If you have been hurt by someone, set yourself free by forgiving that person.