Looking at Things from God’s Perspective
To understand the purposes and ways of the Lord, we need to comprehend his perspective of mankind. So often, we rely on our human viewpoint instead of trying to see ourselves through His eyes. All that He does on earth is guided by His care and love for the human race.
For you and I to be the effective witnesses for God there are some things we need to remember;
We know according to Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God created He him: male and female created He them.
- Created in the Image of God – Of all the creatures that the Lord fashioned, only the man and woman were made in His image. They had a mind, will, and emotions as well as a spirit, which enabled them to worship and relate to God. Being sinless and perfect, they were destined to live forever in a close relationship with their Creator.
- Corrupted by Sin – Romans 5:12, “Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” We know that an act of disobedience broke the relationship with the Lord. The divine image was marred by sin, which infiltrated human nature and corrupted every person born thereafter. Mankind stood spiritually dead, without hope, and condemned before a Holy God!
- Worthy of redemption – Yet the Lord considered them worthy of restoration. Through the redemptive work of His Son, all who believe in Jesus are made spiritually alive again, and the broken relationship between God and man is reconciled. One day – in heaven – sin will be no more, and a perfect environment will be reinstated.
What God has deemed worthy of redemption, let’s not judge unworthy lest we be found putting ourselves in the place of God!
In the book of Romans again, chapter 2:4, the last part of that verse says“…the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance.”
Are you saved? God wants you to be!
Are you following the Lord? God wants you to!
Are you seeing those around you with compassion? Jesus did!