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The Treasure of Worshipping God!

We looked at the treasure of the Word of God, we also have the treasure of worshipping God.

Worship is defined as an act of reverence rendered to God.


Worship is first mentioned in the book of Genesis chapter 22:5. The last time it is mentioned is in the book of Revelation chapter 22:9. In all the word worship is used some 108 times throughout Scripture.


We know very little about true worship in our churches today!


I remember the first time I met Mr. Satterfield; he had come into the church with his baggy clothes and hat in hand. He came down about halfway through the aisle and sat down on the end seat. At the end of the service the Pastor asked him to dismiss the services in prayer. This man stepped out into the aisle and got on his knees before God with his hands outstretched. He prayed and worshipped God.


We know very little about that kind of worship, but it is a treasure that we should enjoy.


Philippians 3:3 speaks of worshipping God in the spirit, and rejoicing in Christ Jesus, and putting no confidence in the flesh.


In Acts 18:13, Paul is accused of persuading men to worship God! All of us should be guilty of persuading men to worship God!

Psalm 96:9 - O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.