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Jesus Praying for You - 2


John 17:1-26

Jesus’ entire life was a life of prayer. He began His ministry by going into a solitary place to pray. Often, He went up into a mountain to pray and spent the night in prayer. He is our great Intercessor. Here, and every day as our Great Intercessor He prays for you and for me.


We often call the model prayer Jesus taught in Matthew 6 and Luke 11, the Lord’s Prayer, but His prayer is found in John 17. Let’s study some more on what Jesus prayed there.


We saw previously that Jesus began this prayer by glorifying God in verse 4. Then we see in verse 6 that Jesus says He has manifested God’s Name!

Manifested means Jesus had revealed God for who He is, Jesus made God known to fallen man.


Manifested God’s Name, verse 6, “I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest me out of the world…” To manifest means to show, are you showing others God in your life, in your love and in your loyalty to Him? If you created a list of the things that are the most important in your life, where would God be? Probably most of us would say that God is first, but is there evidence of that fact in your life? Most people are so caught up in getting what they want for themselves that they don’t have time for the things of God. Jesus showed forth God to those He met, those He passed by and those that sought Him out. How are you doing?


We can make God known by our countenance, letting our lights shine in a dark and lost world.

We can make God known by our courage to stand for the Truth of His Word.

We can make God known by our compassion to those who are walking in darkness.


Let’s manifest God’s Name!