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Jesus Praying for You - 4

John 17:1-26


In our Study of John chapter 17 we saw previously that Jesus began this prayer by glorifying God in verse 4. Then we see in verse 6 that Jesus says He has manifested God’s Name!

Manifested means Jesus had revealed God for who He is, Jesus made God known to fallen man. We learned that Jesus’ prayer told God He had given us the Words that God had given Him. Now we see that Jesus is praying for you and I.


Jesus Prayed for them, verse 9, “I prayed for them.” Who are you praying for? A lot can be understood about a person in the way they pray. I’m not talking about using fancy thee’s and thou’s, I’m talking about an humbleness before an Almighty God that can pray, “Be merciful to me, a sinner!” Who do you pray for? Are you praying for the folks on the prayer list or is it just a formality to you? Are you praying? Luke 5:16 tells us, “And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness, and prayed.” One of the greatest needs in homes today is prayer. We think Jesus prayed because He was God; while that is true, He was also man. We think He wasn’t as busy as we are, the Bible says He withdrew Himself, that means there were other things to do, there were other places to go, but He withdrew Himself from the crowds, from the busyness of life to pray. If you and I are going to have a prayer life it is because we purpose in our hearts to do it. It doesn’t come naturally; you will never be forced to pray but you must force yourself to pray if you are going to have a successful prayer life!


In verse 20 Jesus includes every one who will believe in Him down through the ages. John 17:20 - Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. 


What a tremendous prayer, let’s be faithful in our prayer life to remember this prayer Jesus prayed.