Jesus speaking on Forgiveness
Matthew 18:21-35
Jesus, after being asked by Peter how many times he should forgive a brother who had sinned against him, gave the following illustration.
A certain king decided to audit his servant’s work performance. And when he began to reconcile their accounts, he discovered that one owed him ten thousand talents, ($52,800,000).
The servant could not pay the debt, so the king ordered him to be sold, his wife, his children, and all his possessions for the payment to be made.
The servant fell on his knees begging his master to have patience with him and he would repay all the debt. So, the king had compassion and forgave the servant.
This same servant went out and found one of his own servants who owed him a hundred pence ($44.00) and threatened him saying, “pay me what you owe me. His servant fell down begging him to have patience and he would pay him all he owed.
But he would not forgive the $44 debt but went and cast him into prison until he paid all the debt.
When the king heard about this, he called this servant who had been forgiven so much and said, “You wicked servant I forgave you all that debt because you asked me to, shouldn’t you have had compassion on your fellow servant, even as I had pity on you?
The king was very angry and cast the unforgiving servant in prison until all was repaid.
Are you withholding forgiveness for some perceived or actual wrong committed against you? Listen to Jesus’ warning concerning that type of behavior.
Matthew 18:35 - So likewise, shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.