Faith Demonstrated
Hebrews chapter 11 has been called the “Hall of Faith.” As we see the faithful men and women of the past and learn how God used them and their faithfulness.
Abel obtained witness that he was righteous - verse 4
Enoch walked with God – Verse 5
Noah was warned – Verse 7
Abraham went out – Verse 8
Sarah’s womb was restored – Verse 11
Jacob worshipped – Verse 21
And on and on
We were created to please God and Faith pleases God! Put your faith in God that where He has led you, He will provide for you!
Where He guides, He provides!
Put your faith in God that He will keep you because of the earnestness of His Spirit that dwells within you, never to leave you!
2 Corinthians 5:5 - Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.
That word “earnest” means security.
Put your faith in God knowing that He will work out all things for your good!
Are you saved?
Have you surrendered your life to Christ?
Do that today!