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“Are We Busy Here and There”

I Kings 20:40


We live in a busy society. We live in a time when everyone says they know God. But things are not getting done for God as they were in the past. Have you heard someone say, “I just can’t seem to get everything done that I need to. It may be as the case in I Kings 20:40 that we are just busy “here and there!”


What is the antidote for the busyness of life? There will always be demands in our lives, always other things to put into our already busy schedules, so how do we reel it in, so to speak?


We must get our priorities right. We are told in Matthew 6:33 to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” 


To do that we must realize God is looking for worshippers as found in John 4:23 - But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.


We learn in this verse that God is looking for worshippers. We hear people say sometimes, “I am looking for God.” But we see in this verse it is God who is looking for worshippers. He is looking for individuals who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.


To worship God in “Spirit,” means our praise can never be just another item on our to-do list. True worship is not an obligation, burden, or scheduling item, but rather a total recognition of God’s grace and loving kindness.


To worship God in “Truth” means that real praise is not just an emotional high. Unless worship is based on the truth of God’s Word, then all we have is a sentimental feeling that we find soothing. And simple feelings will neither last nor promote the life change that God desires to see in us.


We must learn to put God first in all that we do. Then, we will be amazed how God will multiply the time in our lives.