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Words of Wisdom – Hate


Proverbs 13:5, “A righteous man hateth lying: but a wicked

man is loathsome, and cometh to shame.” 

Proverbs 13:6, “Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way:

but wickedness overthroweth the sinner.” 

There are some things all Christians should hate. Lying is one of

them. We are to despise deceitfulness. We learn in Romans 12:17,

“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in

the sight of all men.” 

We certainly should be honest and fair in all things as we are

told in Colossians 3:9, “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put

off the old man with his deeds;” 

Other things we must hate – such as sins of the flesh. The Book

of Jude advises us - Jude 1:23, “And others save with fear, pulling

them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the


People who refuse to hate sin will discover the truth taught in

Proverbs 13:9, “The light of the righteous rejoiceth: but the lamp of the

wicked shall be put out.”

Godly wisdom brings with it hearing of the Word, discipline or

control, willingness to work, and a hatred for sin!