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Fear –and Fear Not!

- by Billy Graham from Hope for Each Day

The Bible says, “Fear not, for I am with thee” (Genesis 26:24 KJV). But the Bible also says, “Fear the Lord.” If God’s Word says, “Fear not,“and yet it also says, “Fear” which does it mean? The answer is both.

Fear is a two-fold word. It refers to an emotion marked by dread anxious concern. But it also means awe, and wonder, and profound reverence. This latter is the fear that inspires trust and confidence. The Bible calls us to have the latter kind of fear.

When we fear God, we don’t cringe before Him like a prisoner robbed of freedom by a ruthless dictator. Our fear causes us to treat God with respect and trust. It is a reverence that comes from seeing the majesty and holiness and power of our loving Heavenly Father.

There is no shame in being afraid. We’re all afraid from time to time. But there’s an interesting paradox here, in that if we truly fear God with all our heart, then we have nothing to fear.