The Greatness of Salvation
From a Sermon by C.E. Matthews
Hebrews 2:3 - How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the
first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that
heard him.
Why is this salvation so great? It saves us from Hell, it equips us to resist the
Devil, it guarantees us a mansion in Heaven, it is the only one, and it enables
us to do great and mighty things that without it we could not do.
Think about it with me.
Noah possessed it and built an ark.
Abraham possessed it and started a nation of chosen people.
Jonah possessed it and preached one sermon which caused 120,000 to repent.
Peter possessed it and three thousand got saved when he told them of the
crucified and risen Lord.
Paul possessed it and changed the religion and thinking of the civilized
None of these could have done such marvelous things had they not been
partakers of this so great salvation.
Please do not neglect this so great salvation, trust Christ today and
experience the joy and peace of being born again by the mighty power of