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The Church 

Matthew 16:18


Another tool in the Christians Tool Box

Jesus said I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


An old man who was stone deaf still attended church every week. One day a cynic asked him, “Why bother going when you can’t hear anything?” Smiling, he replied, “Because I want people to know which side I’m on!” For some church is a place to get christened, married and buried! But, it’s more than that to God, it is His personal project! It’s not perfect, after all we are members, and it doesn’t always live up to its own standards. But Dr. Jay Kessler says:


  1. It’s the only organization that still deals with the issues: like salvation, death, judgment, grace, purpose, heaven and hell.
  2. It adds value and dignity to human life. Here we learn of God’s love and acceptance.
  3. It provides a moral and spiritual compass. We can stand on the bedrock of God’s Word.
  4. It’s where you find compassion, healing and community. At church we are all on par. There God’s Spirit is working to knit us together as believers, guaranteeing us all “equal access to the Father.”
  5. Unlike other organizations, it has motivated the most lasting, unselfish, essential, courageous endeavors on earth: like missions, schools, hospitals, food pantries, rehab centers and orphanages. But most important is the fact that Christ Himself is the Head!


Why is the Church such an important tool?

The opportunity to fellowship with others

The opportunity to encourage others

The opportunity to serve others