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Thankful For

The Scriptures


2 Timothy 3:16 - All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 

  1. Vernon McGee says the following about this verse.

The word inspiration means “God–breathed.” The writers of Scripture were not just pens that the Lord picked up and wrote with. The marvel is that God used these men's personalities, expressed things in their own thought patterns, yet got through exactly what He wanted to say. Through these men God has given us His Word. He has nothing more to say to us today. If He spoke out of heaven today, He wouldn't add anything to what He has already said.

“Is profitable for doctrine.” Scripture is good “for doctrine,” that is, for teaching. That's why we teach it.

It is good “for reproof,” which means conviction. Studying the Bible should bring conviction to us. In fact, that is the way you can test whether the Word of God is moving in your life. If you read this Book like any other book, then the Spirit of God is not moving in your life. But if it convicts you, then you know the Holy Spirit is at work within you.

It is “for correction,” that is, setting things right in your life—correction of error.

It is “for instruction,” which means discipline, thinking and acting in accordance with God's will.

Thank God for His Word that is profitable for all believers.