Jesus is Here
Psalm 9:1 - I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.
Psalm 9:2 - I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.
We have a Savior who has promised He will never leave or forsake us. We read in His Word that He was there in the Lion’s den with Daniel, He was in the fiery furnace with Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego, He was there with Moses on the mountaintop, He was there with the Apostle Paul in prison, He was there with the Apostle John who was exiled to the Isle of Patmos for his testimony of Jesus Christ, and as believers He is with you whatever you may be facing today.
The same God who spoke the universe into existence is with you today. He is an all-knowing, all-presence, all-powerful God. Because He is all this, He knows me, He knows you, He sees me, He sees you, and He is touched by the feelings of our infirmities.
He is here as we read this devotional, He is also present in hospital rooms for those suffering, He will be by the graveside of someone whose loved ones have gathered around to say goodbye.
Think about this with me today, Jesus fashioned the world and yet took time to bless the children.
He who sent the flood, wept at Lazarus’ tomb.
He who rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom, wept over Jerusalem.
He who holds the world in His hands, loved for the Apostle John to lean on Him.
He who is coming in glory, said “Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy burdened.
Jesus loves you, do you love Him?