Rise Up
For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief [Proverbs_24:16].
“A just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.” Seven is the number that signifies complete. It means man will fall, but the just man will get up again. Do you know anyone like that? We read in the Bible about Simon Peter who was always the first to speak up or speak out. He denied Christ three times after saying he would never do that. We also read Simon Peter kept coming back to Christ after he had messed up, after he had fallen, he got up and came back to Christ.
Peter was greatly used by God in the Book of Acts. He preached the Word boldly and many were saved. We too will fall sometimes, but we like Peter can rise up again and again to be used by God for His honor and His glory.
Don’t let the disappointments of life keep you down. Look up and rise up learning from the difficulties that caused you to fall knowing God will lead you to success in life.