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Faith Versus Feelings


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1


This verse introduces one of the Bible’s great chapters—what someone has called “The Bible’s Hall of Fame.” Beginning in Genesis—with Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham—and continuing through the Old Testament, the author spotlights spiritual heroes who stayed faithful to God in the face of almost overwhelming odds.

Why did they remain faithful? One reason is because their faith was in God and His promises, not in their feelings. These great men and women of faith faced discouragement and doubt just as we do. But they trusted God, not their emotions—and we should do the same.

Emotions aren’t wrong; God gave them to us, and they are an important part of life. But our feelings go up and down—and if our faith is based merely on our feelings, it, too, will go up and down. Only when we build our lives on Christ will our faith be stable and strong. Don’t let your feelings mislead you, but base your faith solely on Christ and what He did for us through His death and resurrection.

Excerpt from Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham