God's Presence
"I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." MATTHEW 28:20
These words are Christ's promise to all His disciples and it is a promise that is marvelously inclusive. No situation is excluded; no challenge is omitted.
Dr. Handley Moule, the noted Greek scholar and Anglican Bishop of Durham (England) in another generation, maintained that the word always could be paraphrased, "I am with you all the days, all day long." That means we can count on Christ's presence not only every day, but every moment of every day.
Of the fact of His presence there can be no doubt, for His Word cannot fail. What we need is to cultivate the sense of His presence, every day, every hour, every moment. This happens as we speak to Him in worship and prayer, and listen to Him speak to us through His Word, the Bible.
From Billy Graham's Hope for Each Day; Morning & Evening Devotions