God is Able -1
2 Corinthians 9:8 - And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
What a tremendous truth this is, “God is Able!”
We read in Daniel chapter 3 about the three Hebrew children and the fiery furnace. Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego could have come up with all kinds of reasons why they should obey the King’s command, but they preferred to obey the Lord.
While we may never have to face the fiery furnace, there are situations that are as demanding. It is easy for us to make excuses and not to take a stand for the Truth. But as Believers we must remind ourselves of who we belong to.
Remember, God is Able. We see many examples throughout Scripture of the Lord’s faithfulness to deliver. God does not promise to keep us out of difficulties, but rather to bring us out. He permitted the three Hebrew children to go into the fiery furnace, but then went in with them. He shares every trial, storm, or heartache that we may face and enables us to come out stronger and better because of it.