The Blame Game!
Genesis 3:12-13
A man smokes three packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years, dies of lung cancer, and his family sues the tobacco company. A woman crashes while driving drunk, then blames the bartender. Kids are out of control so parents blame the violence on TV, lack of discipline in schools or the influence of their friends. Excuses—we’ve got hundreds of them.
The blame game isn’t new; we've been playing it since the dawn of creation. Proverbs 10:8 says, “The wise in heart will receive instruction…” The ability to receive instruction is the measure of your character and maturity. But more importantly, God can’t forgive and restore you until you acknowledge and turn away from your sin. Nowhere in Scripture does He ever excuse your sin because of somebody else’s behavior. In fact, when you make a habit of blaming the other guy you will never reach the place of honest repentance.
The Bible says we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account for what we have done in the body. II Corinthians 5:10
Acknowledge your sins and shortcomings to God and repent; you will be free to move on to maturity.